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The Pilates Low Sock Blush

brand: bala
$25 Previous price: $25
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78% хлопок 19% полиэстер 3% спандекс


  • Silicone-dotted soles for slip-free workouts
  • Designed for yoga, Pilates, barre, home workouts and getting comfy on the couch.
  • Товар не доступен для международной пересылки
  • № модели Revolve BALA-WU37
  • № модели производителя LS-MD-BLSH
  • Фактическая упаковка и материалы могут отличаться. Пожалуйста, читайте этикетки, предупреждения и указания перед использованием.

Bala is a Los Angeles-based movement company, founded in 2018 by husband-and-wife team Natalie Holloway and Maximilian Kislevitz. Their first collection, Bala Bangles, are stylish weighted bands that amplify the fitness benefits of just about any routine. Today, their line of fashion-forward fitness products are designed to bring a little something extra to a range of activities.