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  • Styling Brush
    Emi Jay

    brand: Emi Jay
    $29 Previous price: $29
    Pink Sugar
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    This size is available for preorder on our sister-site FWRD

    Designed to elevate your hair to new heights, Emi Jay's Styling Brush imparts remarkable volume and lift. It effortlessly teases and shapes your hair, adding dimension and depth to your desired style. This brush is ideal for teasing, styling edges, creating volume, smoothing hair, and texture creation. With its ability to work with any hair type, this brush emerges as the quintessential tool for unlocking your hair's styling potential.


    • Импортный
    • To clean the brushes, use a soft-bristled brush/toothbrush or cloth to remove any tangles and dirt gentle
    • № модели Revolve EJAY-WU15
    • № модели производителя STYLING
    • Фактическая упаковка и материалы могут отличаться. Пожалуйста, читайте этикетки, предупреждения и указания перед использованием.