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brand: BY FAR
$230 Previous price: $230

Или 4 взноса по $57.50 с помощью

Please select a size

Примерный срок доставки: 15 мар - 18 мар

  • 100% коровья кожа
  • Сделано в Болгарии
  • Серебряная пряжка
  • S measures approx 29.5" - 33.5" in length x 1" H
  • № модели Revolve BFAR-WA30
  • № модели производителя 23CRMOOWBLW

BY FAR is a designer lifestyle brand that reimagines timeless silhouettes for the cool city girl. Founded in 2016 by Valentina Ignatova, Sabina Gyosheva and Denitsa Bumbarova, the brand quickly established itself as the core accessory to any off-duty uniform with its nostalgic baguette bags, sleek boots, and minimalist, barely-there sandals. Built on fine craftsmanship and responsibly-sourced materials, each BY FAR collection delivers effortlessly chic, authentic, and comfortable style.

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