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Banya Bootie
Dolce Vita

brand: Dolce Vita
$114 Previous price: $114
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Ratings and reviews!

Revolve рассматривает этот продукт

Размер: true to size

runs small
true to size
runs large

Would recommend this product

  • Размер: runs small
  • Body type: Прямые
  •  Рост: Средний рост
  • Качество: среднее
5.0 из 5 звезд

These booties are beautiful, well made and quality suede. The sizing is way off however. I ordered my usual size of 6.5 and returned for a 7 and ended up with a 7.5. They are a full size smaller than usual. With the correct size they are surprising comfortable and walkable. I do add Footpetals to all my shoes for added comfort. Love these booties!