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brand: SNDYS
$47 Previous price: $58

Или 4 взноса по $11.75 с помощью

Please select a size

Примерный срок доставки: 18 мар - 19 мар

  • Изделие: 55% хлопок, 45% лён
    Подкладка:100% хлопок
  • Сделано в Китае
  • Машинная стирка в холодной воде
  • Полностью на подкладке
  • Спереди завязка
  • № модели Revolve SDYS-WD210
  • № модели производителя ELLIEDRESS
Модельный Info
Santana это 5'10" and is wearing a size S
Product measurements
Shoulder seam to shortest hem measures approx 27 " and to longest hem approx 33.50" in length

"We want women to feel like they don't need permission to showcase their own style. For us, it's always going to be about promoting creativity without contingencies." Directors Melanie Purcell and Lauren Gocher named SNDYS after their favorite day of the week, Sunday, where they would spend time with family and discover new creative outlets. SNDYS offers cutting edge and affordable styles that not only follow trends, but start them. Based out of Sydney, Australia, SNDYS is bold and unabashedly feminine. Expect matching lounge sets, floral maxi dresses, and timeless outerwear.

Ratings and reviews!

Участников Revolve оставили отзывы на этот товар

Размер: runs large

runs small
true to size
runs large

Would recommend this product

  • Размер: true to size
  • Body type: н/д
  •  Рост: н/д
  • Качество: среднее
5.0 из 5 звезд

Вы бы порекомендовали этот товар? yes

  • Размер: true to size
  • Body type: почти фигуристая
  •  Рост: среднее
  • Качество: среднее
2.0 из 5 звезд

Вы бы порекомендовали этот товар? no

The material was not bad quality but the cut of the dress was awkward somehow. I was looking for more of a babydoll silouhette but when I wore it and tried to tie it that way it made me look boxy instead