As a valued REVOLVE customer, you've been selected to join the exclusive LOYALTY PROGRAM. LOYALTY PROGRAM is a free, pilot program that rewards you for doing what you do best - shopping with us.
The LOYALTY PROGRAM is free to join! No membership fees, and no credit cards you have to sign up for.
Earn points for every dollar you spend at and + earn even more for shopping on bonus point days.
For every 2,000 points, you'll get a $20 Reward to spend within 90 days on or
For every 2,000 points you earn, you'll get a $20 Reward to spend.
Ранний доступ к новым поступлениям дважды в месяц
Twice a month, we'll let Star Members, VIPs, and Elite Members pre-order new arrivals before anyone else!
Ранний доступ к РАСПРОДАЖЕ один раз в месяц
Once a month, we'll let Star Members, VIPs, and Elite Members know about what's on sale, first!
Утройте свои баллы на нашем бренде месяца
Each month, we'll reveal a new brand of the month. Star Members, VIP, and Elite Members can pick one day of the month on which to earn TRIPLE POINTS on the featured brand.
Индивидуальное обслуживание клиентов с нашим экспертом по стилю
Забронируйте индивидуальную сессию — вам будет легче приобрести необходимые товары, подобрать стиль, размер, подарки и многое другое!
Вечеринка с Revolve
Elite Members are invited to exclusive REVOLVE events. Get the hottest tickets in town, only available to our best customers!
** Право на покупку (имеется в виду покупки за вычетом всех налогов с продаж, сборов за доставку и обработку, возвратов, корректировки цен, выкупленных НАГРАД REVOLVE или подарочных карт, а также других скидок). Баллы начисляются через 30 дней после отправки заказа.